Year Established
NATA accredited facilities using our service
Samples logged per month
Reports Created
GeoTester is a tried and tested, robust and secure service for construction materials testing. We provide worksheets and reports for an extensive scope of soils, aggregates, rock, concrete and asphalt standards. GeoTester has Australian standards as well as state based standards for NSW, Queensland, Victoria, NT, WA and SA.
Our system can be accessed from anywhere you have internet access. The majority of our clients use direct data entry, so grab your laptop, tablet or phone and away you go.
As our system is hosted, we take care of everything for you including backups. The service includes all upgrades and enhancements so you know your "total cost of ownership" up front.
Perform field testing and issue the reports yourself or get someone from the laboratory to issue them before you have even left site.
Use our dashboards to always know what is happening in the laboratory and prioritise work so that clients get their reports on time.
Set up pricing at the laboratory, client or project level ready for invoicing. You can invoice through GeoTester or take advantage of our integration with MYOB and Xero.

Log samples from on site or in the laboratory. Log one or multiple samples and select the required test methods at the same time. It is super fast and there is no double data entry.

Perform testing in the most efficient way to get reports out on time and home early. Choose from our existing soil, aggregate, asphalt and concrete worksheets that are kept up to date.
Produce effective reports with single or multiple samples on a page including graphs.
We also have a range of summary reports, exports and analysis.
As a lab manager, how do I know where everything is up to ?
GeoTester has a series of dashboards
main dashboard
work request status board, and
the tracked worksheet schedules dashboard
This even allows you to see where a worksheet is up to at the task level not just whether a worksheet is completed or not.
As a lab manager, how do I know how my laboratory has been performing ?
laboratory activity dashboard
work request turn around times
laboratory income report
As a technician, how do I know what to work on ?
the daily oven moisture content worksheet which shows everything that is in the ovens
the daily concrete cracking worksheet
the tracked worksheet schedules dashboard
the work request status board, and
the worksheets list

GeoTester is an Australian based service provided by GeoTester Technologies Pty Ltd.
We have an agile outlook and believe that our service must not only be incredibly flexible but grow with our clients' needs.
We believe it should be easier to implement a request than it would be to make up an excuse why we can't do it.
We could talk about how good our service is all day so feel free to give us a call. Or contact any of our clients to get an unbiased opinion.

We provide worksheets and reports for an extensive scope of soils, aggregates, rock, concrete, cement and asphalt standards. GeoTester has Australian standards as well as state based standards for New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia. We have over 270 methods and more are always being added.
We have a broad client base which will include companies like yours. This experience will allow us to satisfy and exceed your requirements.
Our clients include
laboratories that test earthworks
concrete producers
asphalt producers
government and councils

GeoTester is an Australian based service provided by GeoTester Technologies Pty Ltd
ABN 79 120 832 653
email: sales@geotester.com
phone: Adam Albury 0491 601 040 or Andrew Harper 0412 548 028